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Copernicus CopPhil Centre
A regional hub promoting the use of free and open Earth Observation data from Copernicus in the Philippine region.
The CopPhil Centre
An initiative to promote the use of free and open Copernicus Earth Observation data in the Philippines.

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Growth, Collaboration, and Engagement: CopPhil’s Achievements in 2024

2024 has been a year of growth, collaboration, and notable accomplishments for CopPhil. Through partnership building with key stakeholders and the progress in the development of key components of the initiative, we have achieved significant breakthroughs in our mission to promote the uptake of Copernicus Earth Observation data among users in the Philippines.  


Apply now to the EU CopPhil Scholarship Programme!

Are you an Earth Observation or Remote Sensing specialist with a strong commitment for environmental protection and disaster risk reduction, looking for the next challenge? Are you already working for the government on these topics and want to broaden your expertise? This scholarship might be for you!


The objective of CopPhil (National Copernicus Capacity Support Action Programme) is to strengthen the Philippines’ capacity to tackle climate vulnerability and biodiversity conservation while improving hazard management and resilience through the use of free and open Copernicus Earth Observation data.

It includes the establishment of a Copernicus Mirror Site and IT infrastructure, the co-development of Earth Observation pilot services in three thematic areas, and knowledge and skills transfer activities related to the use of Copernicus data and information.

CopPhil is managed by the European Union Delegation to the Philippines. It is implemented by the European Space Agency (ESA) in partnership with the Philippines Space Agency (PhilSA) and the Philippine Department of Science and Technology (DOST).

CopPhil Pilot Services

As one of the world’s most vulnerable countries to the consequences of climate change, the Philippines is facing increasing environmental pressure. The use of Earth Observation technologies by institutions in the Philippines to address regional challenges has been steadily increasing, since the information derived from Earth Observation data is critical to the sustainable management and future of the country and the broader ASEAN region. To support this trend, the CopPhil Centre will develop Earth Observation pilot services harnessing Copernicus data in three thematic areas:

  • Ground Motion Monitoring Service
  • Land Cover, Forest & Crop Mapping Service
  • Coastal Marine (benthic) Habitat Monitoring Service